Follow The Leader

Follow The Leader

In most industries there is a clear leader, a company that sets the trends that everyone follows. These are the companies that everyone expects to innovate – whether it’s Salesforce (CRM software), Tesla (electric cars), or Coca-Cola (pop) – and for everyone else to follow. In the world of mobile phones, Apple is the proverbial alpha dog. When Apple moves, everyone else follows.

Apple has been at the forefront of everything from handheld computers to laptops, and even their flops, like Newton, were simply ahead of their time. In 2017, they’re going to change the technology world again with the introduction of the first mobile phone with a front facing 3D camera. Details are still sketchy, but according to multiple sources (and leaked reports) at least some of the iPhone 8 smartphones will include them – and they may ultimately replace iTouch fingerprint sensors for user verification. That’s going to have a massive ripple effect on how mobile companies manage security and authentication.

In practical terms, this means that everyone else who makes mobile phones is going to scramble to follow Apple’s example…just like they do every time Cupertino launches the Next Big Thing (other than removing the headphone jack, which is a story for another time.) That’s why SensibleVision is in a perfect position to help these companies keep up with Apple. We already have the patented technology to make 3D cameras useful as authentication tools and do much more than unlock the phone – we empower anyone to compete on features with Apple, as they usually do.

All that mobile device makers need to do is pick a compatible 3D camera, use our customized authentication software, and voila…they’re “Appleproof.” It really is that simple.