Secure & Easy Customer Experiences Close More Deals Thanks to Face Authentication

Secure & Easy Customer Experiences Close More Deals Thanks to Face Authentication

Have you ever gotten most of the way through buying something online and decided to pull the ripcord because you didn’t feel like your personal data would be secure? I certainly have. It turns out that’s the norm, not the exception.

A recent study by the Baymard Institute revealed that around seven out of every ten people who initiated e-commerce transactions didn’t complete them. Think about that: if you’re a merchant, only 30% of the people who visit your site to buy something actually click the “purchase” button. The other 70% are either making a purchase with one of your competitors or have simply decided not to buy anything at all. When it comes to commerce on mobile devices, the problem is even worse - the abandonment rate is a staggering 97%!

While there are many reasons why people don’t close a deal in the digital domain, recent research from Statista discovered that the primary driver is apprehension about security, followed by impatience with user experience and overall frustration with lengthy processes. Both of these are related directly or indirectly to issues with security and authentication.

Poor security protocols erode customer confidence, but measures to protect personal information can be just as bad. So what is the best way to juggle these seemingly incompatible needs?

The answer is SensibleVision’s Autodentity solution featuring Simultaneous Multi-Factor Authentication with face recognition as a core element. Autodentity is perfectly suited to address the dual challenges of digital commerce: providing secure and virtually spoof-proof face recognition-based access from a wide range of devices while also delivering a comfortable, frictionless user experience.

SensibleVision’s Autodentity solution offers full support for all of your customer’s Mac or Windows devices and all current browsers including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Edge - with no plugin required! In addition, Autodentity provides robust support for mobile applications, allowing easy integration into existing iOS and Android Apps with a simple SDK.

To be fair, there will always be customers who are not comfortable making purchases online. But by leveraging SensibleVision’s Autodentity solution with Simultaneous Multi-Factor Authentication, companies can provide secure access while also making it easier for customers to do business with them. Which is of course the ultimate objective.

To learn more about SensibleVision and our innovative Autodentity solution, please visit our website.

(image: SandroR "Shopping cart on the beach, St. Andrews, Scotland" CC BY-SA 3.0 )