Don't Let Them See YOU Naked: Why Convenient Two-Factor Security Matters

Don't Let Them See YOU Naked: Why Convenient Two-Factor Security Matters

Recent nude photo hacks of Jennifer Lawrence and other celebrities are getting lots of press. Apple's iCloud account security measures are being called into question and blamed for the breaches. What if Apple had better security? What if we ALL had better security, ALL the time?

Better passwords aren't the answer. Biometrics can be even more secure, but it's not just about having a single "world's strongest" form of security - no method is "unhackable." Much like the leading providers claim, part of the answer is that "it takes two."

But, while two-factor security is great in theory, in practice it's slow, inconvenient, and awkward to use. So the result is the same EVERY time: you won't USE it and, therefore, it CAN'T be effective.

In the security industry, the term for this is "compliance" and it's where the real answer lies. The best solution doesn't simply offer a better security method(s), it also needs to be quick and easy enough to use that... well... it actually gets USED.

Sensible Vision dramatically increases compliance with our patented two-factor security - an integral part of FastAccess Anywhere Face Recognition software. We start with powerful, highly secure face recognition. Then, we add our patented technology for a simultaneous second factor (gesture, Secret the future it could even be your phone's fingerprint sensor or others) that's quickly input at the same time your face is recognized. Now, you're protected both by something you ARE - your face - and something you KNOW.

That's significantly more secure than any single method out there.

And most importantly, the process is simple, takes no extra time, and doesn't require any extra steps or other devices to use. It doesn't get in your way.

And THAT gives the same result every time: you use it...and you stay secure.