No Heartbleed Here!

No Heartbleed Here!

Sensible Vision takes security seriously. We are happy to report that the recently published encryption flaw referred to as the Heartbleed bug was NOT present in any of Sensible Vision's servers. This means that all of the usernames and passwords you store in your FastAccess Cloud Account always were and continue to remain safe.

If you use sites that WERE affected by the Heartbleed bug and have FastAccess store those passwords, you will want to update your passwords as directed by those sites. When you update your password on one device (eg, computer or mobile phone), your FastAccess Cloud account will automatically synchronize this change to all your devices!

Even if any of our servers were to be compromised by a similar type of attack in the future, your password data would still be protected with several unique layers of encryption. More importantly, the encryption key for every user is unique - unlike most other sites, there is no “master key” to decrypt your private data. This technology prevents hacks like the Heartbleed bug from ever compromising your usernames and passwords.